The Oscars!

 UNDP 2021, Reunion Greece

Early in the reunion it was announced that there would be an Oscar for the Most Romantic couple.

But, on reflection, there were other couples and individuals who definitely deserved awards.


Here they are, presented in the order of Soknan’s famous “excel sheet”.


The Awards:


The most enquiring and unafraid questioner:

Barbara Bernander! She’s ready to ask anybody, any question, on any topic, no matter how

intimate! (After all she was a journalist in an earlier avatar…)


The best role model:

Eugene Boelens! Determined, deliberate and delightful - never faltering.


The best dressed couple with the best posture:

Antonius and Debra Broek! He blamed it on her - or rather gave her the credit…


The most colourful and colourfully dressed man:

Emmanuel Dierckz de Casterle! Always in a flamboyant outfit, he almost convinced the sommelier

not to serve anyone wine at the winery visit, because it was “haram”. Hmmm…


The unexpectedly most flexible guy:

Douglas Gardner! That is, when he catapults into his yoga pose without warning…


The most Raving red Red Riding hood, never with a hood:

The one and only Soknan Han Jung! A psychedelic glow, big smile and infectious laugh despite

being sleep deprived since Brazil… How does she do it?


The couple with the most operatic voices, baritone and mezzo-soprano:

The erstwhile Chuck and Kristen Lankaster! Gotta yell across the lobby, otherwise he doesn’t hear

me, she exclaims! True, of others too…


The most lost and found couple:

Robert Leigh and Dominique Ridley-Leigh! Always on the move - where is she, disobeying again,

disappearing, climbing cliffs, but ah, always back on time.


The most bubbly and vivacious lady, a keen intellect:

Our very own Shahnaz Lockwood! Did she really step out of an Islamic miniature painting to join

the reunion?


The creative couple, able to spot the best of Greek artefacts:

Paul and Rani Matthews! So knowledgeable and sophisticated, follow them…


The Absent-minded Professor (there has to be one in every group…):

Our Very Dear Kevin McGrath! Keeps a sense of humour while fumbling with phone and foibles…


The one with the most original hairdo-hat combinations:

Joana Merlin! Our very own Brazilian beauty, animated by her causes and energy…


The Sexiest Man in Black:

Ross Mountain! Left the three Men in Black to join the reunion. Like them, always on the move, a

man with no plan, problem-solving with head and heart…


The award for the Couple with the Best Medicine:

Fabrizio and Sharmini Ossella! He generously dispenses the medicine to one and all (red or white)

- and relies on her to deal with the after effects…


The award for Appearing, Disappearing in a flash:

Marlie Roes! One minute she’s there, next minute she’s gone, Magical Marlie…


The Tallest Cool Guy:

Tore Rose! Gracious to boot, speaks minimally (and he’s not even Finnish, barely Norwegian). A

Real Gentleman, my mother would have said…


The Perfect, Tireless Dancer:

Ingolf Schuetz-Mueller! Beware - half a Blue Danube and you’re done for the week. And those

muscles? He’s gotta give us daily workouts at next reunion…


The great debater:

Jan Sorensen! Look out for those unbeatable arguments…


The best person with whom to go trinken-essen:

Alessandra Tisot! No better company and camaraderie - in museums, eateries or on Renzo Piano



The couple with the most infectious laugh:

Colin Moorcraft and Isabel Dias! Hot, dusty, tired? Move closer to them to get reenergised!


The Wine aficionados:

Anthony and Mariella Wood! Best to be at their table for any wine tasting to get the wisest analysis

and advice…


And now, finally! (Drum rolls…)


The award for the Most Romantic Couple goes to:

Cornelis and Namgay Klein! They tried hard to hide their cosy hugs and hand holding - but were

caught on camera! Check out Cluster…


Ah, and before I forget - the award for the worst poet and writer goes to:

Renu Chahil-Graf of !